Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back by popular demand

Hello friends and future enemies,

Welcome to my third digital incarnation. I'll be keeping things impersonal this round. The blog will function as a pixelated scrapbook, into which I will cut and paste media focusing on art, design and internet culture. I'll also fill you in on my New York event attendance.

I will preface internet identity adventure #3 with two pieces of information:
  1. The internet is the single space where I subscribe to descriptivist linguistic theory. Check your grammar police uniform at the door, please.
  2. I am nerdy enough to know how to track an IP address, so please don't bother "anonymously" harassing me.



Here's some e-debris from the past few days to kick us off:

  • The overly hip bar where my friends and I spotted some c-list celeb of whom I'd never heard on Friday: Death & Co. If power-hungry bouncers in flannel who weigh less than Ashley Olsen's left arm on the LES and $15 cocktails that taste like antifreeze are your thing, then I highly recommend it. Remember, folks: the cool kids don't wear color.
  • I really like this video piece (from Rhizome):
  • Saturday night I dropped by Secret Project Robot Art Experiment for my friend's friend's art collective's (Eternal Love Family's) group show. The whole shebang was a bit too cute for me, but I got a kick out of Miss Pussycat's puppet shows (you can watch video created for VBS here). I LOVE PUPPETS. Maybe it was the PBR+lollipop-induced glee coma or the the weight of impending economic doom, but it was sort of refreshing to see something so un-serious, even if it was more not-so-ironic nostalgic arts-and-crafts than Art.
  • Last but not least, viral video courtesy of my DAD: