Sunday, February 28, 2010


Sales are definitely a thing I like. I found a 5'3" x 7'6" rug at ABC Carpet on clearance for $149 down from $499, plus 10% off for buying online, plus I can pick it up in Union Square instead of paying for shipping. BOOYA. Net savings: $395!

Here she is, you like?

Hopefully not too much, since I got the last one, SUCKERS.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Going Yellow, Going Green

Check out this bicycle I saw yesterday with used Metrocards in the spokes. Very clever. Those bike kids are so snarky!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Union Docs

My dear friend Josh (of birthday greeting fame) is a collaborative participant of Union Docs, a very cool Williamsburg-based non-profit organization presenting "a broad range of innovative and thought-provoking non-fiction projects to the general public, while also cultivating specialized opportunities for learning, critical discourse, and creative collaboration for emerging media-makers, theorists, and curators." They've sort of evolved into an alternative MFA program for experimental collaborative documentarists. It was my pleasure to see their sold-out (but not sellout) Inductive Thread presentation as part of MoMA's Documentary Fortnight last night.

The evening fell into two parts, divided by a subtle plea for funding. The first half was a performative documentary on their collective, littered with inventive shorts. The second half wove short films created in teams, brief conversation between the filmmakers and audio recordings on the theme of mythologies, in reference to the classic Roland Barthes text. There was also a Q&A I mostly missed.

And it was awesome. Props, Josh.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Licking Your Joy Again

UPDATE! There have been two video responses to Uncle Al's Valentine's Day special.

I don't know who this woman is, but I think she may understand my uncle better than any woman in the world. She describes her response as "A sensual interpretation of 'Oh, Pupi.' A tribute to the poetic brilliance of Youtuber 'chicagoalmose.'"

This video elicited the comment, "I don't know what the fuck this is but you're so fuckin' hot I wanna have your babies have my babies please." Were you as moved as sloanepeterson1?

Inspired by her (abstractly?) passionate response, Uncle Al gives it another go, rap-style! Alas, Pupi the cat wins again.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Joy-Licking Uncle and His Cat Named Pupi

Here is a belated Valentine's Day treat for all of my readers. This is my uncle, "Professor Chicagoalmose," who is not by any stretch of the imagination a professor. However, his credentials do include a brief stint as a phone psychic.

In the following video, Uncle Al recites a love poem and is poignantly interrupted by his cat named Pupi.

Embedding is blocked, but here's a video link: CAT ATTACK DURING POETRY VIDEO (his title, not mine)

Be sure to check out the rest of the series here.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Have a Shitty Valentine's Day!

A farmer in Emmons, MN sculpted this half-mile wide valentine out of manure for his wife.
via the Alberta Lea Tribune

Happy V-Day from TIL!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Singing Your Face Off

Ignore the song, watch the video.


via Like Cool.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Efficient Literary Outerwear

Bookmark/jacket hybrids! More here.

In Case You Missed It

What's better than a sandwich and a waterfall? Selleck Sandwich Waterfall, a tumblr that is exactly what it sounds like.

On Repeat

"Mirror Ball" by Crayon Fields

UPDATE: Kate Stone

Remember when I told you how great Kate Stone's photography is? Looks like NPR agrees with me!

Read the NPR Story here.

Quirky Decorating Roundup

I'm redecorating my apartment. I know this sounds glamorous, but in truth my roommate and all his furniture are leaving March 1. I've stumbled upon some quirky solutions in the process.

Curtain by Bauke Knottnerus

I have a really awkward spot in my apartment. I have a converted railroad, which leaves me with a windowless living room bookended by large, ugly doors. I intend to cover one with a large bookshelf, but the other side is really tough. It's hard to explain. There are doored closets on each side of the fugly door, which prevents me from hiding it behind furniture. I've been thinking about doing something similar to the above. I found a company that makes custom full-bleed tub curtains. Custom photo printed drapes could work, too, but I'm afraid to ask for a quote. Maybe I'll license a photo of a window from a cheap microstock agency, custom print a shower curtain, and stretch it over the ugly door. Yeah? It's certainly cheaper and easier that building a new wall. I could even illuminate it down the line with EL sheets, if I'm feeling ambitious. Maybe it's tacky, but there's a soft spot in my heart for tromp l'oeil, and anything looks better than the cardboard-quality asscrack door mess I have to look at now.

Here's something I'm not considering, but it made me smile.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

IP Freely

Alright folks, Things I Like is gonna play a slow jam. Go ask that cutie in the corner to dance, because it's about to get serious up in here. That's right -- I'm blogging about a dry b2b article. Jiggawhaaaaat? No pickshurs? Don't worry. Imma break it down for you like your mom's favorite magazine -- real simple.

So this company RPX (which totally sounds like a rapper's name) has this crazy business model, in which they "buy up patents that could be potentially used in infringement suits and then, instead of suing, license the patents to those companies that had agreed to pay its annual membership fee." Bling-bling! How baller-illiant is that?!

So then there was this case between 20 defendants and Acacia Research Corp. RPX rolls up to the gang fight outside da club in its Escalade and is all, "Yo, Acacia, get in my car!" RPX makes a licensing deal with Acacia, then licenses the patents to the 20 defendants to avoid litigation. Bling-bling-BLING! RPX has now signed Microsoft, MacAfee and Symantec. That is one major label!

But it's bad news bears for patent owners (and litigators). As Litigation Daily reports, "Right now, litigation is a tried-and-true way for patent owners to squeeze value from their intellectual property. Trolls, NPEs, and patent holding companies--which continue to bring a big percentage of all patent infringement claims--bet that they can use the leverage of litigation to get returns on their investments in patent portfolios. But Amster argues that RPX could conceivably put patent trolls out of business--and thus put a serious dent in patent litigation."

JK, here's a picture:

Via Litigation Daily.